Friday, November 30, 2012
Huge Holiday Saving on Dick B. 30 Volume A.A. History and Christian Recovery Set
This is a holiday suggestion for your use, your library, your group, your meeting, your fellowship, your friends, and those you wish to help if they want to rely on God for healing of alcoholism and drug addiction.
Out of his 46 published A.A. history and Christian recovery titles, Dick B. has selected 30 to be available at a major discount and as an A.A. History and Christian Recovery Reference Set of 30 Volumes. There is no history of A.A. or relevant guide in existence that is even close to this set in accuracy, scope, timeliness, and utility.
Here is the offer:
The entire 30 reference volume set has a retail/list price of about $690.00 if the books are purchased separately.
Right now, you can purchase all thirty as a set for $249.00 - free shipping within the continental United States.
To acquire this set in 2012, contact Dick B. at 808 874 4876 , or go to the front page of the Dick B. website (
Happy holidays! Dick B. dickb@d