Monday, March 19, 2012

A.A. Audio Talks by Dick B.

Alcoholics Anonymous History
Dick B.'s Audio Talks
A.A. History: Online Audio Talks by Dick B.
© 2011 by Anonymous. All rights reserved
[A.A.’s leading “unofficial” historian tells the A.A. History Details Online]
The Main Purpose of
These A.A. History Talk Segments
The main purpose of these Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) history presentations is to provide free online A.A. and alcoholism recovery facts for AAs, Al-Anons, other 12-Step people and 12 Step programs, and other alcoholics, addicts, substance abusers, and recovery people. The content is free. You are welcome to download and reproduce these materials freely and without charge, as long as: (1) you do not alter the content; and (2) you attribute that unaltered content to “Dick B.”
This A.A. history presentation is focused on “old school” A.A.—the original Alcoholics Anonymous program that was founded in Akron, Ohio, on or about June 10, 1935, by Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith at the Smith Home at 855 Ardmore Avenue in Akron. Among the large variety of talks about A.A. history and the original pioneer A.A. Christian Fellowship, you will learn some of the key points about Alcoholics Anonymous sources, roots, beginnings, and formative ideas. Particular attention is paid to Robert H. Smith, M.D., known in A.A. as “Dr. Bob,” the cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Called by his cofounder A.A. partner Bill Wilson, “the Prince of All Twelfth Steppers,” Dr. Bob is rightly understood as the cofounder who brought to the table most of the elements of the simple recovery program that achieved such astonishing success.
In 1938, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., dispatched A.A. trustee-to-be Frank Amos to Akron to investigate the pioneer Alcoholics Anonymous program, its elements, and its successes. Amos summarized for Rockefeller the original (old school A.A.) program and reported the five required Alcoholics Anonymous elements of spiritual recovery as: (1) Abstinence. (2) Reliance on the Creator. (3) Obeying God’s will. (4) Growing in fellowship with their Heavenly Father through Bible study, prayer, seeking His guidance, and studying religious literature. (5) Helping other alcoholics to get straightened out. Two other recommended, but not required, elements were: (a) fellowship with like-minded believers, and (b) attending a church of one’s own choice.
We believe a knowledge of these root sources, facts, principles, and practices is much needed and definitely usable today. It will serve the primary purpose of the Alcoholics Anonymous members, groups, and fellowships. That purpose is to carry a message of experience, strength, and hope to those still suffering from alcoholism and other life-controlling problems. It is a message about love and service. And it will underline the critical role of the Creator in healing and recovery.
There are three groups of talks. The first deals primarily with Dr. Bob of Alcoholics Anonymous, who was born in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on August 8, 1879. The second deals primarily with Bill Wilson of Alcoholics Anonymous, who was born in East Dorset, Vermont, on November 26, 1895. The third consists of miscellaneous talks by Dick B. on the history of Alcoholics Anonymous.

This is a listing of a truly remarkable series of recorded talks by Dick B. on the many subjects of his twenty years of research, 40 published titles, and almost 500 articles on the history of Alcoholics Anonymous and on the role played in the Christian Recovery Movement, including A.A., by God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible; and the role that they can play today.
All these talks can be heard by clicking in to the Dick B. audio talk listing on the navigation bar of Dick's main website
This is a synopsis of the huge and varied number of talks on A.A. and its Christian origins that you can now hear from the voice of the recovered AA who researched and published on each of the following topics:

Dick B.'s Audio Talks Series 1 - 9click here
Dick B.'s Audio Talks Groups 1 - 6click here
Dick B.'s Audio Talks Groups 7 - 10click here

Dick B.
P.O. Box 837
Kihei, Hawaii
Ph/fax: (808)874-4876

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Paradise Research
Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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