Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Preview of Dick B. Radio Interview of Recovered Christian Attorney

Preview of Friday’s Dick B. Radio Interview of Christian Recovery Leader, Attorney Russell S. of Miami, Florida
Dick B.
Russell S. is a long-recovered Christian attorney who lives and practices law in the Miami, Florida area. His office is located at 14707 South Dixie Highway, Suite 302, Miami, FL 33176.
Russell is a Christian recovery leader, a participant in International Christian Recovery Coalition, and one of its very forceful and instructive speakers. He brings to many A.A. meetings his message about A.A., the Big Book, the Twelve Steps, God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. He is also a strong proponent of the importance of early A.A.'s Christian origins, history, founding, and Akron AA Christian fellowship begun by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron in June of 1935.
He first attracted our attention long distance from Miami to Maui (by phone, letter, email, and websites)--as we learned he had distributed to others many of Dick B.'s A.A. History and Christian recovery books. He had spoken, given, and recorded a large number of talks on how to bring God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible into A.A. and its meetings in an effective and well-received way. And he still does so widely. In addition, he traveled from Miami to Southern California for two of our International Christian Recovery Coalition Conferences--the first at The Crossing Church in Costa Mesa, California; and the second as a featured speaker at our workshop--personal meetings--conference at His Place Church in Westminster, California.
Russell is active in and devoted to his faith, his church, his law practice, his sponsorship in A.A. of many men, his vibrant talks about A.A.'s Big Book, Twelve Step, and Fellowship relationship and reliance on God and coming to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
He will tell us a little about his family, education, church work, law practice, Twelfth-Step Work, his alcoholism, his sponsees, and his very effective speaking approaches as he addresses others. He will also give us a view of what he is doing and will be doing to further Christian recovery today.
Gloria Deo

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