Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dick B. on Radio about Overlooked AA Big Book Personal Stories

The “Christian Recovery Radio with Dick B.” Show


Dick B. Is Interviewed about His New Book:


God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible:

The Long-Overlooked Personal Stories

in the First Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous


(archived at)


By Dick B.

© 2012 Anonymous. All rights reserved



You Can Hear This Important Radio Interview of Dick B. Right Now!


You may hear Dick B. discuss his new title, God, His Son Jesus Christ & the Bible in Early A.A.: The Long-Overlooked Personal Stories in the First Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous by Dick B. and Ken B. (Kihei, HI: Paradise Research Publications, Inc., 2012), on the September 22, 2012, episode of the "Christian Recovery Radio with Dick B." show here:


or here:


Episodes of the "Christian Recovery Radio with Dick B." show are archived at:



Today’s Introductory Remarks by Dick B.


[These will shortly be followed in our next article by a more detailed synopsis of the Christian Recovery Interviews given September 21 and 22 by both Ken B. and Dick B. on their new book, God, His Son Jesus Christ & the Bible in Early A.A.: The Long-Overlooked Personal Stories in the First Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous (Kihei, HI: Paradise Research Publications, Inc., 2012]


Dick B.’s Radio Interview covered the newly-released book by Dick B. and Ken B., God, His Son Jesus Christ, & the Bible in Early A.A.: The Long-Overlooked Personal Stories in the First Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous (Kihei, HI: Paradise Research Publications, Inc., 2012).



The personal stories by “old-school,” early A.A. pioneers have been in limbo for decades. This means they have been put on the shelf and ignored. Yet they show exactly how those pioneer AAs practiced the early A.A. “Christian fellowship” program founded in June of 1935. Piece by piece, the stories were removed after the first edition and their removal left AAs in a quandary as to what their original program looked like and whether it could be applied today.


The early program is summarized on page 131 of DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers. The 16 principles and practices of the early AAs are specified and explained in The Dick B. Christian Recovery Guide, 3rd ed. (2010).


In this interview, Dick B. reads many excerpts from what is now A.A. General Service Conference-approved literature (as of the release of Experience, Strength & Hope: Stories from the First Three Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous in 2003). Each excerpt is from a testimonial by an A.A. pioneer in his own language and from his own point of view as to how he practiced the pioneer “old-school” program. Also, how he turned to God for help. And how he freely read the Bible, prayed, sought God’s guidance, and endeavored to obey God’s will after having renounced liquor permanently. Once cured, these pioneers set about helping others apply the same program and get well.


These are not war stories. These are not “drunkalogs.” These are not recitals about the Twelve Steps and Big Book because, in early A.A., there was no Big Book, and there were no Steps at all.


We hope you will remember these pithy statements long after you have forgotten the endless, wearying, drinking tales that have become so commonplace in today’s 12 Step programs. You will remember these personal stories because they speak of the power and love of God. You will remember them because they show that the Lord cured early AAs of their alcoholism. And you will remember them because they illustrate that the successes of early A.A. were grounded on the help one drunk provided to another.


[Please be sure to read the next article which will contain the summary of the new book by Dick B. and Ken B. as they told of it in their interviews Sept 21-22]


Gloria Deo

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